5/10/24: ableism is the root of all evil

one of the main things that is preventing me from ever making friends is how casual a lot of peoples ableism and sanism is. i do not want to form communities with people who think that people who make them mildly uncomfy should be institutionalized. or expect me to laugh at their gene pool eugenic jokes. its fucking unbearable hearing people saying the r word so casual enough towards other people like its nothing.

its worse when it comes to intellectual disabilities. those poor kids, getting mocked at 24/7 for loudly stimming in public, or struggling with hygeine and social cues. regular ass people made out to be the local freakshow for ones own entertainment. the staff that it meant to be taking care of said kids are not doing those kids any favors, either.

its just soooo annoying being around these people and hearing their awful thought processes live. i hope these people never conceive.

especially since these are the same kids who'll make projects talking about autism awareness and gush about how neurospicy they could be but dont actually respect people who have more obvious neurodivergent traits.

it sickens me that its everywhere. i get ableism remarks thrown at me all the time at work. or people judging my mannerisms like im doing something incredibly unnerving.

ive seen people say its bad to not want to try to get to know people who "arent perfect" and honestly fuck off like geneuinely. lets stop pretending its unreasonable for people to not want to put up with bigoted bullshit.

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